Special/Featured Exhibitions

Summer Special Exhibition
[Equipment and Attire of the Samurai Warrior]
The Warrior’s Companion: Horses and their Trappings

In samurai society, horsemanship was an essential part of the warrior's life, and the noble figure of the horse was admired and even became an artistic subject itself. This exhibition presents the fascinating world of the equestrian companions that lived side by side with the samurai warriors through a wide variety of associated objects.

Overview of the Exhibition

Hours 10:00am to 5:00pm (Admittance until 4:30pm)
Closed Days Every Monday except August 12 and September 16, 2024.
Admission Tickets

Adults: 1,600yen (including the admission to "The Beauty of Japanese Armor" at the Galleries at the Original Wing.)
Students (high school and university): 800yen
Students (elementary and junior high school): 500yen

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