Special/Featured Exhibitions

Thematic Exhibition HITO: Human Faces and Figures in Ukiyo-e

Two of the central genres of Ukiyo-e were pictures of beautiful women (bijin-ga) and pictures of actors (yakusha-e). In these images, the human figure became the point of greatest interest, overshadowing even motifs of the natural world. This exhibition presents the many aspects of the human figure as portrayed in Ukiyo-e, including who they depicted, how they were depicted, and more.

Overview of the Exhibition

Hours 10:00am to 5:00pm (Admittance until 4:30pm)
Closed Days Every Monday (or the following day if a national holiday or substitute holiday falls on a Monday)
Admission Tickets

Adults: 1,600yen (including the admission to "Flowers Bloom and Winds Blow: Nature Motifs in Classical Japanese Art" at the Galleries at the Original Wing.)
Students (high school and university): 800yen
Students (elementary and junior high school): 500yen

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