Special/Featured Exhibitions

Spring Special Exhibition Hiroshige's Travelscapes: Rain, Snow, and Man

Ukiyo-e woodblock prints featuring landscape scenes became widely popular and attracted much attention in the latter Edo period. The ukiyo-e collection of a Lord of Owari of the late Edo period also included a considerable number of landscape prints. This exhibition presents prints by Utagawa Hiroshige, a beloved master of landscape printmaking both in his own time and still today. In addition to the complete series of 55 prints from his most famous work, The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō Road, Hōeidō edition, the exhibition also introduces images from other Tōkaidō series—editions known as the "Gyōsho Tōkaidō," the "Reisho Tōkaidō," and the "Vertical Tōkaidō"—as well as prints from Hiroshige's other well-known series, The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaidō. Views of famous places in Edo, Ōmi and other provinces are also presented, offering visitors a rich taste of the world of Hiroshige's scenic imagery.

Overview of the Exhibition

Hours 10:00am to 5:00pm (Admittance until 4:30pm)
Closed Days Every Monday
*The museum will be open on Monday, May 2, since it is during Golden Week in Japan.
Admission Tickets

Adults: 1.400yen
Students (high school and university): 700yen
Students (elementary and junior high school): 500yen

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