Special/Featured Exhibitions

Special Exhibition The Doll Festival of the Owari Tokugawa Family 2021

Focused on the Hina dolls and doll accessories passed down in the Owari Tokugawa family, this exhibition presents the extravagant and refined world of dolls that is distinctive of an elite daimyō family.

You will get valuable in-depth information on the exhibits from here.

Additionally, you can see a video movie (about 11 min.) on how the hina dolls are treated by the curatorial staff in preparation for the exhibition (recorded in 2005, yet still being continued annually in the same manner).
Vide Movie

Overview of the Exhibition

Hours 10:00am to 5:00pm (Admittance until 4:30pm)
Closed Days Every Monday (or the following day if a national holiday or substitute holiday falls on a Monday)
Admission Tickets

Adults: 1.400yen (including the admission to "Chōshū Zasshi: The Secret Encyclopedia of the Owari Domain" at the Hōsa Library exhibition rooms.)
Students (high school and university): 700yen
Students (elementary and junior high school): 500yen

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